Our History - How it all began...

In 1973, John Royes conceived the idea of formulating a local Polish American Club in the New Port Richey, Hudson area of Florida. He was the Organizer and later the President, who with a group consisting of approximately fifteen persons began the plans.
The following were the Charter Members: Mr. and Mrs. John and Genia Royes, Marie Galinska, Peter Oley, Stephen Laton, Martin & Marie Soinski, Andrew & Genevieve Prokocki, Edward Kuschak, Alex & Tessie Krop and John & Sally Malewski. The group met April 17, 1973 in the First Federal Savings & Loan on Main Street in New Port Richey. Subsequent meetings later were held at various banks and in the Hudson Community Club Hall.
From this humble beginning there developed the idea for the formation of socializing of Polish Americans. The membership increased to 200 by the end of the year. As membership grew and more social events were planned, the Hudson Community Club Hall was rented for meetings. It was at a meeting held on May 4, 1973 that the club was named. All members present agreed with Caesar Kujawski, that the club be named “The Polish American Social Club of Pasco County, Inc.”.
It was at this time that some of the goals for the club were established. Mr. John Royes was named temporary chairman. Mr. Peter Oley and Mrs. Helen Sala temporary treasurer and recording secretary. Mrs. Helen Sala made a motion to charge $1.00 per member per year dues. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.
On the June 1 1973 meeting, the following members were elected as the First Officers of the Polish American Social Club, Inc.:
President – John Royes;
Vice-President – Caesar Kujawski;
Recording Secretary – Helen Sala;
Financial Secretary – Marie Switalski;
Treasurer – Walter Kerwin;
Sgt.-At-Arms – John Malewski;
Director – Anthony Ruski;
Director – Stanley Kolowski;
Director – John Skoczylas.
In September 1973, President John Royes presented the Charter to the membership. On November 15, 1973, election of Officers was held. Tessie Krop and Betty Post were added to the Board of Directors. The first formal installation of officers was held at the Marsaryktown Community Center on December 7, 1973. where Stella Van Landuyt was the installing officer.
As the club grew, there became a need for a building of its own. A Building Committee was formed. After considerable efforts on their part, suitable land was located at the present site. In September 1974, the Hutchins Construction Company was hired to construct the building. Total estimated cost of the building and land was $125,000.00. A Financing Committee was formed to oversee the project. As an alternative to having a bank mortgage, a proposal to borrow the funds from the members at 10% interest on $1000.00 or more, was made and all the money needed was raised this way. The building was dedicated in February 1975. Many members made donations, not only of money, but also of their time, labor and materials to furbish the building, such as paneling, tables, etc.
This was the beginning of the “Monday Morning Maintenance Crew”. All the chairs were acquired through a $5.00 donation from members. The originals are gone and new ones purchased with funds from bingo started by John Wazinski and the “Craft Ladies”. Helen Sala formed the Arts and Crafts which continues today, and still donates money for supplies and decorations when needed. On the January 11, 1979 meeting, the initial by-laws of the club were presented by the By-Laws Committee and were voted on and accepted by the members. This committee consisted of Chester Kucinski, Ray Matteler, Caesar Kujawski, Ted Sakowski, Stella Van Landuyt and Helen Wecera.
At the time of his elevation to the Papacy, our Executive Board extended to His Holiness, Pope John Paul II a lifetime membership to our club. Through the efforts of St. Michael’s Parish and the St. Petersburg Archdiocese. President Caesar Kujawski accepted in behalf of the club a framed picture of His Holiness, Pope John Paul II, who graciously bestowed his Apostolic Benediction to all members.
Due to the untimely death of the late President Caesar Kujawski, the fallen reins got picked up capably by vice president Walter Hajduk. The club continued to progress under his leadership. The Club grew to 850 members in 1982.
A most sincere thank you and heartfelt appreciation is extended to all members who have helped in any way to contribute to the beginning and growth of the club. The foundation of the Club’s success has been the fellowship, and fun it’s members have experienced through the years with dinners and dances on Sundays. Music by our bands of many years. Lenny Vyduna has been playing his accordion 22 years for us. The “Choir” has entertained us on Holidays and special events. The choir was originally formed by Walter Switalski, followed by Anthony Wyskiel and Joseph Bieluch and accompanist Juliet Bistran and the “Kujawiak’s” led by Regina Koziel.
To list everyone who through these past 25 years have volunteered along with the able guidance and excellent management of past and current presidents, officers, directors and chairpersons was impossible. Our gratitude therefore extended to all the members past and present who have made this “The Friendliest Club in Pasco County”.